Service Professions


Villefranche Sur Saône

Crimping compaction analysis | Servica

Analysis aimed at assessing the condition of the crimping tools, before they are put into service and then periodically.

Crimping Tool
Crimping Tool
The basis of a good crimping begins with a compaction analysis

Upon the arrival of a crimping tool, we conduct a compaction analysis to validate compliance.
Compaction will be performed periodically throughout the life of the tool, depending on the number of crimp connector or a crimping defect found.

Valid compacting
Valid compacting
The steps of a compacting analysis
  • Crimping a lug
  • Cutting at the crimp barrel
  • Polishing
  • Cleaning by electrolysis
  • Calculation data by a microscope coupled to a computer
Compacting default
Compacting default
Our requirements are
  • Respected crimp height
  • Filling rate greater than 85%
  • "Cat's ears" of less than half of the thickness of the terminal
  • Crimping heart and closed
  • Cracks are prohibited
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